300z Skinny Tumbler, RTS (Ready To Sell!) high quality glitter and epoxy resin, Hogg tumblers keep your drinks hot or cold for hours!

Scrapbooking, custom crafting, and a tiny shop
300z Skinny Tumbler, RTS (Ready To Sell!) high quality glitter and epoxy resin, Hogg tumblers keep your drinks hot or cold for hours!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend as much as I am. Family day yesterday as we spent the day with my parents, sisters, and alllllllllll our kids. So. Many. Kids! LOL!
Speaking of kids, let me share a funny story. Well, not so funny at the time, but funny nonetheless. A few weeks ago I walked upstairs calling for my daughter Norah. She answered me and I asked her what she was doing. “Nothing!”, she said as she came skipping out of my craft room. I was preoccupied with something else, but I knew I should have known something was up.
Fast forward a few hours later and as I go into my craft room what do I find? A cup 2/3 full of my glitter!!! Not red glitter, or purple, or blue, or green, or my bling glitter. I mean AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL my glitter. At least all the colors I use on a regular basis. Some were even brand new and not opened! Some fine glitter, some extra fine glitter, and even chunky glitter. My daughter knew mama was NOT happy. See! So. Much. Glitter!
She bee-lined it to her room crying, telling me she was sorry, over and over again. I needed a minute to decompress from the situation so I went downstairs for a breather and to fill my husband in on what happened.
My husband suggested not to get too mad at her, she only wants to do crafts like her mama. Ok, ok, fine. Maybe he’s on to something but I was still NOT happy. There was close to $30 in glitter all in one cup! My husband asked if I threw the glitter mix away. No way was I doing that! He suggested to use what she created and make her something with it. He has good ideas sometimes. 🙂
Norah’s favorite color is blue. I had just prepped a cup for her and wanted to use this great color of glitter I got off of Amazon – Darice Ocean Blue. It was over 3/4 empty so there was no way I had enough for her cup. I decided to use the hot mess of glitter on her cup with fingers crossed it would come out. The glitter mix was a little challenging to work with as it was kind of chunky and thick. I used the mod podge method and as I started I was very optimistic. This was the final layer before I put epoxy in it.
The only challenge was the bottom edge of the cup. It was on the thicker side but I was still pretty happy with the coverage. Next time I will only use one layer when I make another cup with this mixture. It covers pretty well.
And here is the end result! Ta-da!! Isn’t it so pretty! I did have to put three layers of epoxy, the chunky glitter needed the extra coverage. My daughter loves it!! I love it too, it is actually a very pretty color. Even though I was pretty upset, it all worked out in the end. Now I have a new color of glitter mix to use in my projects. 🙂
Now to get ready for soccer Sunday, family dinner later ~ hubby’s grillin’, the weather is amazing, and then GAME OF THRONES!! Wooohoooo!
Have a wonderful and relaxing Sunday!
~ Andie ~
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You all know how much fun I am having making theses cups! Check this out!! Can you say AMAZING?! I am in LOVE with this cup! There are so many possibilities with this craft!
I took the chance and covered the entire cup! This is my first ombré, with the help and advice from my daughter. I got a thumbs up for a good blend and fade! 😊 Recollections glitter from Michael’s is great and I added some chunky glitter I got from Amazon. The mama bear I got from Etsy and just fell in love!
You know you want one!